To make a difference, start by understanding the problem
The Problem Lab identifies and understands important problems to create innovations with disruptive economic and social consequence. We help established organizations, newly created ventures, and aspiring innovators recognize obstacles.
Are you interested in innovation, a problem, or developing your research and analysis skills? Learn how to examine a problem from many different perspectives at an event, workshop, or competition. The Problem Lab works with students in all faculties, both undergraduate and graduate, whether you wish to launch entrepreneurial careers, new ventures, or develop professional skills. We hope to see you at our next event, workshop, award, or competition.
Businesses, non-profit organizations, and public agencies seek our assistance with problem analysis. Faculty and staff can conduct the analysis, supervise a student team to do so, or help partners create their own analyses.
More InfoCo-Op Problem Award.
Cooperative Education and the Problem Lab offer the Co-op Problem Award each term. The award is earned by providing the best analysis of an important problem relevant to a co-op employer or the employer’s industry. Available every semester, the award covers part of the tuition for the upcoming term. The deadline to apply varies, but will normally be about six weeks from the start of each semester, see the award website for the actual deadline.
The Quantum Valley Investments® Problem Pitch competitions challenge you to research an important problem and pitch your research to a panel of judges. Funding is awarded to support teams that demonstrate the most thorough understanding of their chosen problem to develop a solution. Learn how you can participate.
Designed to help you build skills such as public speaking, building a pitch, and critical thinking. The Problem Lab’s workshops can help you advance your ideas and careers. Visit our event page for upcoming opportunities.
Student Problem Lab Page