It does compute: student founders build and iterate faster with Velocity’s GPU server

Server is open to all University of Waterloo students working on startup ideas
Waterloo students working in a computer lab with an overlay of yellow dots in various sizes
Michelle Benevides
University of Waterloo
November 7, 2024

In a landscape where well-funded companies with substantial computational resources dominate, student founders must rapidly test their ideas to stay competitive. Access to computing power is crucial for processing large datasets and creating products and services that successfully leverage generative artificial intelligence.

At the University of Waterloo, student founders are rising to the challenge, harnessing Velocity’s graphics processing units (GPU) server to turn their visions into reality.  

Storing massive data sets and models, a GPU server runs complex algorithms and can retain large datasets for processing calculations. With its cloud-based options, GPU’s are available and while purchasing and managing a server is an option, it requires secure network infrastructure and regular maintenance to operate effectively.

Read the full article on Waterloo News