Velocity Code of Conduct (CoC)

This CoC supersedes all previous versions of Velocity’s CoC and is a draft version. A finalized version is pending internal review and approval.
Background: Velocity’s CoC is rooted in the law, specifically the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It is informed by the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the University of Waterloo’s Ethical Behavior Policy (Policy 33). In the case of any conflict between this CoC and University of Waterloo policies, the University of Waterloo policies hold primacy.
Application: This CoC applies to all UW employees, students, founders and their employees, and visitors in the Velocity program or in Velocity spaces. They are fully and individually responsible for reading and understanding this CoC and will be held accountable for their actions under the University of Waterloo policies.
Principles: You agree to abide by the policies of the University of Waterloo with particular emphasis on the following principles: CoC applies to all UW employees, students, founders and their employees, and visitors in the Velocity program or in Velocity spaces. They are fully and individually responsible for reading and understanding this CoC and will be held accountable for their actions under the University of Waterloo policies.
  • You will treat other people engaged with Velocity with dignity and respect. This includes but is not limited to physical and digital spaces. For clarity, physical spaces include offices, labs, workshops, event space or any in-person space; digital spaces include, but are not limited to, slack, other chat platforms, email, and social media managed by Velocity or managed by founders or their staff.
  • You will not discriminate against other people in Velocity physical or digital spaces on grounds relating to, but not limited to, race or racial group (including colour, nationality, ethnicity, and national origins), religion or belief, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy, parental leave, caregiving responsibilities, disability (including neurodiversity and mental health conditions), age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, Indigenous identity, or any other protected characteristic under applicable law.
  • You will not harass anyone. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwanted texting, calling, emailing, following, stalking, badgering, intimidating, verbal or physical abuse, threatening behavior, cyberbullying, doxxing, impersonation, and coordinated online attacks. Harassment includes sexual harassment in any form such as teasing, jokes, innuendo, images, gestures, touching, grabbing or giving gifts of a sexual or unwanted nature. Harassment is further defined by Ontario Human Rights Commission.
  • You must receive consent before touching another person, using their space or belongings, or sharing information about them or their business that may be considered private or confidential. Unwanted contact through personal and professional social media or digital channels can also be considered harassment if it creates an unsafe environment.
  • You will not engage in illegal activities, including, but not limited to, theft, the use of illegal drugs, the downloading of illegal content, illegal hacking and anything that would put the Velocity community in jeopardy. Further, you shall not allow, permit, or use Velocity digital or physical spaces for any purpose or activity that contravenes any Federal, Provincial, or Municipal laws or by-laws, or policies of Velocity or the University of Waterloo.
  • You acknowledge that you are a member of a community, one of many people in Velocity’s digital and/or physical spaces. Accordingly, you shall conduct your business in a manner consistent with the best interests of sustaining a positive, healthy, and safe professional workplace environment for all.
Reporting: Any concern or incident must be communicated promptly to a Velocity employee or member of the management team.
Resolution: Upon receipt of a concern or notification of an incident, the following steps will be taken:
Step 1: Timely measures taken to ensure the physical and/or psychological safety of those involved, as necessary and as appropriate, possibly including emergency response services.
Step 2: A preliminary evaluation carried out by Velocity supervisory staff to occur within 7 days or less, as appropriate
Step 3: Incident logged with the Office of the Vice President, Research and International (OVPRI), Velocity’s governing unit at the University of Waterloo
Step 4: A follow up evaluation using appropriate University of Waterloo policies carried out by Velocity and OVPRI leadership, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders from the broader University of Waterloo community, as appropriate, to support assessment and decision making
Step 5: If a violation of University of Waterloo policies is determined, a resolution will be determined and communicated to all parties as per the relevant university policy that could also include temporary or permanent expulsion from the Velocity programs, additional training requirements and/or restriction of community benefits including access to physical and/or digital spaces.
Version 3 (draft to be approved), March 2025