Step 1: Timely measures taken to ensure the physical and/or psychological safety of those involved, as necessary and as appropriate, possibly including emergency response services.
Step 2: A preliminary evaluation carried out by Velocity supervisory staff to occur within 7 days or less, as appropriate
Step 3: Incident logged with the Office of the Vice President, Research and International (OVPRI), Velocity’s governing unit at the University of Waterloo
Step 4: A follow up evaluation using appropriate University of Waterloo policies carried out by Velocity and OVPRI leadership, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders from the broader University of Waterloo community, as appropriate, to support assessment and decision making
Step 5: If a violation of University of Waterloo policies is determined, a resolution will be determined and communicated to all parties as per the relevant university policy that could also include temporary or permanent expulsion from the Velocity programs, additional training requirements and/or restriction of community benefits including access to physical and/or digital spaces.